We encourage you to set up text messages that are sent automatically to students around an event or in response to a message they text in. To do this, use the message template you were given during your kickoff call (example below) or email your account manager to get a new copy.
In the first column, “#,” give an ID to your message. You can use a number or brief description. We’ll use this as a quick way to refer to your different messages.
In the second column, “Date/Time,” put the date and time you would like the message sent out. You can also put instructions for event-triggered messages, as well. For example, in the first programmed message below, it is scheduled to be send out a day after a new student record is created.
In the third column, “Condition,” write who you would like to receive these messages. If you leave this section blank, we will send to all students of that program.
In the fourth column, “Content,” write the message you would like students to see. You can insert data fields to be pre-populated, as with the blue text in the messages below. As you can see in the second programmed message, you are able to create layered messages. The system is listening for responses to the initial question, “Have you submitted your application to Signal University yet? Text back yes, no or help!” There is a pre-programmed response for each of these potential answers. If the students answers “no,” there is another question that has pre-programmed responses for “yes” or “no.”
In the fifth column, “Save Response to Data Field,” tell us where you could like to save any information captured in the text exchange. In the content section, highlight whatever question you could like Message to save the response to (in this case, “yes, no or help”) and in the fifth column, tell us what field you would like to save this information to, highlighted in the same color as the content text. Make sure to use different color highlighting for each different data field you would like saved!
# |
Date/Time |
Content |
Save Response to Data Field |
created_at + 1 day at 2pm |
Part 1: Hi [first_name]! This is [recruiter] from Signal University. I will be sending you texts with updates and reminders about our Fall 2020 admissions process.
Part 2: Save this number in your phone! Don’t want these texts? Reply cancel. |
2 |
Mar 19 12pm |
Hi [first_name]! Have you submitted your application to Signal University yet? Text back yes, no or help!
Response to yes: Great! Check your email for updates on the decision process!
Response to no: There’s still time! The deadline for early decision is 4/15 and regular decision is 5/15. Do you need help with your application?
Response to yes: Call me and we can figure out the application together! 👍
Response to no: Okay - let me know if any questions come up!
Response to help: Call me and we can figure out the application together! 👍 |
Save yes/no/help to app_completion
Programmed messages are a great way to customize your outreach while reducing your staff's workload. Here are some best practices on how to use them.
When should I send Message a pre-programmed message to set up instead of writing a message in the platform myself?
- When your conditions involve "or," such as "first year student OR transfer"
- When you need any layered messages
What kinds of automated messages should I program?
- A welcome message when a student is added to your database
- A welcome message when a student texts in for the first time (if you have auto enroll turned ON and they are not already in your database). Ask for student data, such as first and last name, graduation year, etc.
- A congratulatory message on graduation day
- Birthday wishes on their birthday
- An acknowledgement when a student opts out of text messages
- Anything else you can think of!
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