How do I enable text / email notifications?

Notifications Options

To stay updated on your Message inbox, you can choose to enable notifications in three ways.

  1. Desktop
  2. Email / Text Message:
    • Once a day summary of ALL texts, new and historical, received through Message
    • Choose the notification time and change your preference at any time

Enabling text/email notifications

  1. Click the gear the top right and then click Settings.
  2. In the Notifications section, check the Receive daily notifications via email box and/or the Receive daily notifications via SMS box to turn on the once-daily notifications.
  3. Click the hour or minute and enter the time of your choosing. 
  4. Click am or pm to change the time period.
  5. Click "Save." 

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 10.39.49 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 9.17.17 AM.png

Disabling notifications 

  1. Click the gear the top right and then click Settings.
  2. In the Notifications section, uncheck the  Receive daily notifications via email box and/or the Receive daily notifications via SMS box to turn off the once-daily notifications. 
  3. Click "Save." 

Changing the notification time 

  1. Click the hour or minute and enter the time of your choosing.
  2. Click am or pm to change the time period.
  3. Click "Save." 


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