Overview of the Message User and Caseload Structure



The Account is the highest level of the Message structure. Typically, this is the institution or organization’s name, and can be viewed at the top right of the platform at all times. 

You can think of the Account as the structure that houses all of the messages, data, and information for the entire organization. Accounts are set up during implementation.



Programs are a sub-level within an account. While programs all exist in one account, each program works independently of one another.

A lot of customers align their programs with the different departments. Typically, each program will have its own unique data points, message strategies, goals, and communication threads. Additionally, contacts can be in multiple programs (like they would be working with multiple departments) and each program will be sending messages from a different phone number to help the contact keep the conversations separate. m

Program(s) will be set up during implementation, but can be changed down the line to reflect internal changes or new approaches to your texting.



Groups are population subsets within a program. Each program will have its own group(s) that segment contacts further. 

Groups are primarily used as caseload management tools, as you can invite users to have permissions only to specific group(s). Typically, your group setup will reflect an organization's internal structure and segmentation. Additionally, groups can be used as easy accessible segments. For example, contacts are frequently sent messages based on class year, group lists can be an easy way to divide the population for a "quick" message. 

Groups are determined by the data file and the value in the “group_list” column. Groups can routinely be added to, removed, or changed by running an import and selecting “update existing contacts”.

Below is an example of how the Message structure displays on the platform. The account, Implementation HE, is on the top right of the screen. The programs Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid, and Registrar, each exist on the bottom left of the display. By clicking the carat next to a program, we can see all the groups set up. In this case, we can see the different advisors as groups listed under "Advising". 


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