How do I send or schedule a message to more than one contact?

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Messages tab, Contacts tab


In the platform, messages can be sent directly as one-to-one or messages can be sent to many contacts at the same time. When sending messages to multiple contacts, you have few options on how to select the population to send your message to. 

Sending messages to programs, groups, and contacts

Click New Message at the top right. Messages can be sent to multiple contacts, a whole group or multiple groups, or an entire program (admins only). To start adding contacts, groups, or a program, start typing the name into the box and click on the name from the dropdown once it appears.

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Sending messages to advanced search results

Start by running a search (click here to learn more). After your results load, click the white downward arrow next to New Message at the top right, then click Send to current results.    

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You can include contact profile data in the message content to personalize your message. Click the tag icon in the bottom right of the message box and choose the field you want to include. The field will be inserted where your cursor is, and will automatically be followed by a space. You can include as many fields as you would like in a message.


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Character count

As you type your message, the character count at the bottom right will update, showing you how many characters you have used of the 1600 limit. While you can use as much of the character limit as you would like, remember that shorter messages are much easier to read and can generate higher response rates!



If you would like to add an emoji to your message, click the smiley face icon at the bottom right. Scroll through the list and click whichever emoji you would like to add to the message. Note that the emoji will be inserted wherever your cursor currently is.

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To attach a photo or gif to your text, click on the image icon at the bottom right. Click Select files to upload to choose your attachments. Note that only .jpg, .gif, and .png files are supported, and that files must be under 500 KB. Once you've selected your file(s), click the pencil icon at the bottom right to return to the text editor.



The Delivery Date below the text allows you to choose whether the message should send immediately once you click Send, or if the message should send at a future date and time. By default, the Now option is selected. To choose another time, click Future Date. A calendar will appear, allowing you to choose the date on which you'd like the text to send. Below the calendar, choose the time you'd like the message to send at, by clicking the hour and/or minute and typing a new value. Click am or pm to change the time period. 

Once your message is complete, click Next to be sent to the confirmation window to review your message details. Then click Send and your message will send immediately or at the time you have selected. 

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