Contact & Data Management (with Upload Errors!) Webinar - August 2024

Aug 7, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Time

  • Add and update contacts.
  • Address inaccurate phone numbers.
  • Move contacts from "active" to "inactive."



Contact Upload

  1. Uploading contacts with a data file
  2. Add a Single Contact
  3. Add AND Update contacts in the same file
  4. 🚨 Contact Upload Errors 🚨
  5. Getting Started with Automatic Imports

Edit/Update Contacts

  1. Update existing contact data
  2. Opt a contact in/out
  3. Change a Contact's Phone Number
  4. Change a contact's group
  5. Delete or Archive Contacts

Helpful to Know!

  1. Field Types Webinar!
  2. Support - (reach out if you've never done a data clean up for a consult!)

Webinar Q&A

When submitting contacts for update, will the uploader automatically check the .csv file only for updated data fields for each row, or will it overwrite all contact data fields on Message that are contained within the .csv file?

When updating data, the platform will allow you to select all fields or manually select which fields to update. The import tool will not be able to identify which fields have updated data, it is up to the user to identify which fields to update. The last screenshot in this support article shows what that looks like! https:/ 10018017965325-How-do-I-update-existing= contact-data 

My school uploads files using a SFTP which identifies the current student's status as Active and changes noncurrent students to False. What happens if a current student has opted out of messaging in SignalVine, thereby setting the status to Opt Out, but the upload has the Status field as"Active"? Will this file override the status of a contact in if the contact has opted out of messaging?

If the field in the SFTP file is active and it is marked as TRUE when a student has opted out, that is problematic as it will opt them back in to texting. We recommend using a field other than active to indicate someone's enrolled status, then use that field in messaging as a criteria.

My school's account has multiple Programs (e.g. Registrar, SFA, Allied Health). We upload a file using SFTP to a Program named All Students. I then manually move the data to the individual programs, based on their contact groups. Is there a way to copy the data from Program to Program using an automated process?

If the SFTP process is dropping a single file onto our server, we are able to process that for multiple programs if they are all using the same customer_id formatting (for example, one student has the same ID in all programs) and if all programs use the custom fields. Using one file for multiple programs doesn't work for everyone if they have data specific to a program (such as FAFSA data that shouldn't be used by other programs). If you want this setup, please reach out to and we can adjust the SFTP process.

Is there a specific format for international numbers?

Modern Campus Message does not support international texting. If you try to add a record with an international number, it will error at import.

Is the support team also able to help update customer ids?

We have this support article that helps show how to update the customer_id - https://message- 

Does customer_id need to unique within the account or does it have to unique just with in a program?

Customer_id is tied to records specific to that program, many folks will have the same customer_id in different programs, but you do not have to do that

How do I delete a contact without using a .csv on the contact page. I couldn't get it to update, thought I would delete and try again.

The only way to delete a contact is to work with our support team as it is permanent loss of data. If you have a record needing deletion, please email saying you need help with a deletion. The team will share a file with you where you can provide the ID for the record to avoid sending student PII over email

Can someone text stop to be automatically unsubscribed?

yes! We have a list of accepted synonyms such as stop, unsubscribe, etc that will stop texting from the program permanently

Who can create programs?

Program & account admins can email support to request a new program. Programs are limited by contracts, so depending on the limit and how many programs currently exist, we may need to involve your Account Manager.

How can we get SFTP info. Is it through support

that is correct, if you want to set up SFTP please email support

How do I create a group (group_list)?

Anyone who has access to import files can create group lists as they are created using the group_list column in a data file. How do I create a new group_list for more than one contact?

We want to automate everything via API


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